Given the overwhelming size and outrageous global reach of the internet, one never has to look too far to find online content that shocks, stuns, amazes or disgusts.
It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that content to do with our bodies – and all the weird, wonderful, fascinating stuff it can do – has proven popular online. You’ll likely be all too familiar with videos including pimple popping (gross!), cyst draining (double gross!) and earwax removal.
But have you ever heard of tonsil stones? I hadn’t, in any case, so when I saw a video on the subject, I decided to do what I do best… share the information with you lovely folks…
According to reports, 3 million Americans a year suffer from tonsil stones, but fortunately removing them is a rather easy and simple affair. In fact, a variety of home methods including gargling with salt water and using a delicate object – like a cotton swab – can be used to dislodge them.
Not only that, but simply having a strong cough can actually loosen the stones and bring them up.
In the video below (which has a whole lot of views) we can watch someone in the process of removing a tonsil stone. Warning! It’s pretty graphic!
Did you know tonsil stones existed? Have you ever experienced one before? Let us know in the comments.