13 Mar 2025, Thu 10:21:28 AM

Kourtney Kardashian, known for her bold moves and frequent appearances in headlines, recently revealed a surprising aspect of her identity. In a blog post on her lifestyle website, Poosh, she disclosed that she identifies as autosexual. This term, defined by therapist Casey Tanner as finding arousal in one’s own eroticism, resonated with Kardashian.

She elaborated that autosexuality encompasses feeling sexy independently and enjoying one’s body, whether through self-care routines or admiring oneself in the mirror. While the concept may seem new to many, Kardashian argued that it’s a common trait to varying degrees.

However, her announcement stirred confusion and criticism among fans, with some expressing disbelief or mocking the term. Despite this, Kardashian emphasized the normalcy of autosexuality, noting its prevalence among individuals.

Though the term might sound conceited to some, Kardashian’s openness about her identity adds to the growing conversation around diverse sexual orientations and preferences.

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